TT® Platform Monthly Service Fees

Exchange Subscriber Service Fees

Exchange Subscriber Service Fees1

Prices effective March 1, 2025
Exchange Product Per User Session
AMERICAS B3: BOVESPA Int’l Other Institution $139
B3: BOVESPA Int’l Other Institution (Non-Professional) $13
B3: BOVESPA Local Other Institution $50
B3: BOVESPA Local Other Institution (Non-Professional) $7
B3: BM&F Int’l Other Institution $139
B3: BM&F Int’l Other Institution (Non-Professional) $52
B3: BM&F Local Other Institution $50
B3: BM&F Local Other Institution (Non-Professional) $15
CBOE Options: CBOE Book Depth $58
CFE $23
CFE (Non-Professional Trader)2 $8
CME Group: CBOT $142
CME Group: CBOT (Non-Professional Trader)2 $14
CME Group: CME $142
CME Group: CME (Non-Professional Trader)2 $14
CME Group: CME Bundle3 (Non-Professional Trader)2 $41
CME Group: CME Delayed Data $0
CME Group: COMEX $142
CME Group: COMEX (Non-Professional Trader)2 $14
CME Group: NYMEX $142
CME Group: NYMEX (Non-Professional Trader)2 $14
CME: MGEX4 $42
ICE Futures U.S. $137
ICE Futures U.S. (Canadian Grains) $46
ICE Futures U.S. Digital Assets $0
MexDer $64
BIST Local $18
BIST Overseas $44
DGCX $60
DME $108
DME (Non-Professional Trader)2 $11
EEX Directly billed by exchange
Euronext Commodity Derivatives $27
Euronext Equity and Index Derivatives $55
Euronext Milan (IDEM) $64
ICE Endex $149
ICE Futures Abu Dhabi (Non-S2F) $26
ICE Futures Europe (Financials) $128
ICE Futures Europe (Commodities) $149
JSE: Equity Derivatives $24
JSE: Currency Derivatives $11
JSE: Commodity Derivatives $13
JSE: Interest Rate Derivatives $56
LME $104
Nasdaq Commodities (Display & Non-Display)9 $115
Nasdaq Commodities (Display Only) $81
Nasdaq Commodities (Non-Professional Trader Display & Non-Display)2, 9 $141
Nasdaq Commodities (Non-Professional Trader Display Only)2 $18
Nasdaq Commodities Managed Data Solution6, 10 $327
Nasdaq Derivatives (Display & Non-Display) $57
Nasdaq Derivatives (Non-Professional Trader Display & Non-Display)2, 9 $83
Nasdaq Derivatives (Non-Professional Trader Display Only)2 $18
Nasdaq Derivatives Display Managed Data Solution6, 10 $327
Nasdaq Derivatives Non-Display Managed Data Solution6, 10 $646
MEFF $35
WSE $70
ASIA/PACIFIC ASX: ASX/New Zealand5 $115
ASX: ASX/New Zealand (Non-Professional Trader)2,5 $22
Bursa Malaysia $26
Bursa Malaysia (Non-Professional Trader)2 $6
HKFE12 $45
ICE Futures Singapore $0
JPX (includes OSE and TOCOM) $18
NSE: Local $37
NSE: International $69
KRX $61
SGX: Commodity Derivatives $36
SGX: Index Derivatives $84
SGX: FX Derivatives $0
SGX: NZX Dairy Derivatives $36

Market Data Display Data Feed (FIX Session & API) Company Fees1

Market data via FIX or another API that is used to display real-time market data (as defined by the exchange) to one or more subscribers rather than for non-display purposes.

Exchange Product Per Company
B3 Local $0
B3 International $0
Bursa Malaysia6 $0
CFE Directly billed by exchange
CME Group: CME $590
CME Group: CBOT $590
CME Group: COMEX $590
CME Group: DME $431
CME Group: NYMEX $590
EEX Directly billed by exchange
Euronext Commodity Derivatives $27
Euronext Equity and Index Derivatives $55
Euronext Milan (IDEM) $64
ICE Endex6 $825
ICE Futures Abu Dhabi (Non-S2F) $120
ICE Futures Europe – Commodities6 $825
ICE Futures Europe – Financials6 $705
ICE Futures U.S.6 $760
ICE Futures U.S. Digital Assets $0
ICE Futures U.S. (Canadian Grains)6 $235
Nasdaq Commodities10, 11 $349
Nasdaq Derivatives10, 11 $349
SGX (internal) $0
SGX (external) Directly billed by exchange

Market Data Non-Display (FIX Session & API) Company Fees

Market data that is used solely for non-display purposes such as calculating P&L, black-box algorithms, or a program\function that uses market data in a trade decision, including the decision not to trade.

Exchange Product Per Company
B3: BOVESPA Local External (per application) $20
B3: BOVESPA International External (per application) $76
B3: BOVESPA Local Internal (per application) $17
B3: BOVESPA International Internal (per application) $60
B3: BOVESPA Local Enterprise $348
B3: BOVESPA International Enterprise $1,579
B3: BM&F Local External (per application) $20
B3: BM&F International External (per application) $76
B3: BM&F Local Internal (per application) $17
B3: BM&F International Internal (per application) $60
B3: BM&F Local Enterprise $348
B3: BM&F International Enterprise $1,579
Bursa Malaysia6 Directly billed by exchange
CFE Directly billed by exchange
CME Group: CME Directly billed by exchange
CME Group: CBOT Directly billed by exchange
CME Group: COMEX Directly billed by exchange
CME Group: DME Directly billed by exchange
CME Group: NYMEX Directly billed by exchange
EEX Directly billed by exchange
Euronext Commodity Derivatives $27
Euronext Equity and Index Derivatives $55
Euronext Milan (IDEM) $64
HKFE $1,285
HKFE Non-Display Usage (Automated Trading Application) $1,285
HKFE Non-Display Usage (Derived Data with Tradable Products) $1,285
HKFE Non-Display Usage (Others) $19
ICE Endex8 $825
ICE Futures Abu Dhabi (Non-S2F) $120
ICE Futures Europe – Commodities8 $825
ICE Futures Europe – Financials8 $705
ICE Futures U.S.8 $760
ICE Futures U.S. Digital Assets $0
ICE Futures U.S. (Canadian Grains)6 8 $235
KRX8 $0
Nasdaq Commodities10, 11 $349
Nasdaq Derivatives10, 11 $1,027
SGX Commodity/Derivatives/FX Futures/NZX Diary Derivatives Directly billed by exchange

1Notwithstanding any other provision in the Agreement, any or all Exchange User Session Service Fees and/or Market Data FIX & API Price Session Company Fees are subject to change immediately without further notice required for any reason (including if/when an Exchange changes the Market Data fees it charges TT, or currency fluctuation as a result of basing the fee on non U.S. Dollar currency, TT adds a new Exchange and/or TT becomes a vendor of record (or equivalent).

Exchange User Session Service Fees and Market Data FIX & API Price Session Company Fees will be charged even where a user is not considered active. Each TT .NET SDK and TT Core SDK application key generates an exchange Subscriber fee.

2Non-Professional status is only eligible on the TT platform.

3Includes CBOT, CME, COMEX and NYMEX.

4Does not apply to users with CME:MGEX trading credentials configured in TT.

5Session count is the greater of the two product group settings.

6Does not apply if a Non-Display Company Fee is already assessed.

7Users with ICE Trader IDs are billed directly by the exchange.

8A minimum of one subscriber instance per company will be billed for any non-display data usage.

9Applies to users with Trade Mode: TT Pro.

10Applies to companies with one or more users with Trade Mode: TT Pro

11Does not apply if the correlated Nasdaq Managed Data Solution fee is already assessed.

12Does not allow view only market data.